A hubcap was lying on the street, so I took it.
An insane guy decided to explode his guitar on the street, so I took the neck, and some months later I just decided to put them together and try to make something nice with it!
I call it "the swiss spoon" (like the knives, but it's different)
it can cut citrus fruits, be used to prepare the absinthe, but it can also help in case you want to frighten innocent people with its evil look!
Finally! New things!
This time I made a bookshelf for a friend. It just needs a skirting board and some wax finishing (and optionally some books)
Anyway I apologize about the picture, but it was the only image that wasn't diffuse.
There she is!
Great satisfaction, two short weeks to make a musical instrument wich actually works, thanks to Gwenn for the plans.
Anyway, this guitar has a name, so please call her Jean Patrick!
Juste for pleasure... An urge to carve a nailed potatoe which finally became a pepper encense-holder. The pepper is in mahogany (found in the waste diposal unit), and the metal rod is just a piece of curtain rod that I twisted.